BUSINESS PLAN Bank Loan Business Plan Obtaining a loan from a bank typically involves a more thorough process compared to other financial institutions. While credit risk assessment is more conservative, the benefit lies in lower interest rates and a wide range of credit facilities tailored to each client’s specific needs. Our team of experts specializes in creating business plans that are validate working capital and investment financing requirements. As we collaborate with all Lithuanian banks, we are well-versed in their specific business plan requirements. A comprehensive business plan typically includes the following sections: • Summary • Company Description • Employee Description • Industry and Peer Analysis • Production Process, Sale Channels, and Pricing Analysis • Financial Analysis and Forecasts • Debt Service Ratio Analysis • SWOT analysis We maintain flexibility and can adapt business plan structure to align with you unique needs. Our focus will be on critical aspects of your business plan: • Financial Position Analysis: Evaluating your financial health and stability. • SWOT Analysis: Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. • Debt Service Ability Assessment: Ensuring your ability to service the loan. The process is as follows: • Upon receiving your query, we promptly contact you to discuss your specific requirements. • We request essential information necessary for creating a robust business plan. • Within a maximum of 10 working days, we prepare a comprehensive business plan tailored to your needs. Starting price: 1 599€ Our most recent projects are as follows: Business plan for the expansion of a manufacturing business LOCATION Kaunas r. LOAN Investment loan CREDITOR Bank LOAN AMOUNT 1 200 000 EUR Business plan for the development of a commercial real estate project LOCATION Vilnius r. LOAN Investment loan CREDITOR Credit Union LOAN AMOUNT 800 000 EUR Business plan for working capital financing for a manufacturing company LOCATION Kaunas r. LOAN Short-term loan CREDITOR INVEGA LOAN AMOUNT 50 000 EUR Business for the development of a dental company LOCATION Vilnius LOAN Investment loan CREDITOR Credit Union LOAN AMOUNT 300 000 EUR Business plan for the development of catering business LOCATION Klaipėda r. LOAN Investment loan CREDITOR INVEGA LOAN AMOUNT 500 000 EUR Business plan for working capital financing for a wholesale company LOCATION Vilnius LOAN Credit line CREDITOR Bank LOAN AMOUNT 300 000 EUR Have you written a business plan yourself? Reach out to us – we will review your business plan and provide recommendations for improvement. If you want to write a business plan yourself but do not know how to do it, get in touch with us for a consultation. RECEIVE AN OFFER Your email will be used to execute the order Your phone number will be used to execute the order BROKER From 499€ BUSINESS PLAN From 899€ BUSINESS PLAN From 1 599€ BUSINESS PLAN From 1 899€ BUSINESS PLAN From 1 799€ PRESENTATION From 1 499€ WHITE PAPER 99€/hour OTHER SERVICES From 449€